Strategic Conversations
How do you, as a leader, build bridges to the future over which the people working with you are willing to go?

What is a strategic conversation?
In your role as a leader you are embedded in the relationship to the organization you are serving, to the major stakeholders and the society at large. In the center is the relationship to yourself.
Are you fully aware of your behaviors that serve your agenda and what tends to trip you up when working through others? Your managerial agenda depends on where you are on the managerial ladder. The focus of the conversation depends on whether you are leading a group of specialists or if you lead managers who have their own direct reports. You may be leading a team of managers who know more than you in the different functions. You may also be an industry leader who spends most of your time managing key stakeholders.
The conversation will start mapping the force field you are working with. We will look for opportunities, major dilemmas that need to be balanced and problems that can be solved. How can you take charge of your own energy and energize people who depend on the leadership you stand for? Do you have the right mix of analytical power, a social radar that supports you when working through others? What are the values that sustain you for which you want to be known?
We may decide to use use a few instruments to look at your organizational climate, the climate in your management group and some of your natural preferences; do you prefer to organize or to collaborate, are you a natural visionary or do you tend to be a strong driver?
What needs simplification must first be problematized. One way to measure success of these conversations is to boil down complexity and focus on the real levers, the actions that will make the real difference in your business.
When working together it is important that we take joint responsibility for success. The first meeting will explore major issues and determine if there is a good match between us. If we decide to go ahead with the conversations we will see each other for a minimum of four sessions.
All interactions between us are contained in professional confidentiality.
Please call me or send an email and I will contact you for an explorative session, no charge.
With kind professional regards,
Lars Cederholm
PS Most of my work is done in English and Swedish.